Saturday, December 17, 2016

Yes we CAN! 💪

WOW! Madonna mek me start bawl! Her words really resonated with me.

Last week Bear Esq, out of the blue, asked me "What's a feminist?" I told him that it was someone who supported women rights and that women had the same rights as men. He then came up with a follow up question: "Can men be feminists too?". I now know I'm raising my son right.

I've identified as being a feminist (back then referred to as Woman's Lib) since kindergarten. I rejected the notion that there were things I should do (or should NOT do) because "you're a girl". I've NEVER sat around waiting on a knight in shining armour to come rescue me. It's an anathema to me. I respect men. I deeply love the one I'm married to. But I am not, nor have I ever been, a helpless woman waiting to be rescued - by a man, woman, or android 😊.

It infuriates me to see women play weak and helpless to get men to do what they want. ESPECIALLY when I know they are NOT weak and helpless. I don't support  manipulation - not in men, not in WOMEN!  Many of our foremothers(?) gave their all to get us the rights we now take for granted - education, equality in the workplace. How many of you have a deed to your home or a driver's licence? Wave them high! That's a hard won right. How many of you have your OWN business with YOUR name on it - not your father's, husband's, brothers? OWN that! It's a hard won right!

Let's support each other and stride purposefully ahead to continue build on these rights. Yes we CAN 💪!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

In Sickness and In Health

I am, self-admittedly, a BAD patient. I hate being sick and resent not being able to do as I usually do because my body isn't cooperating. So my having a cold makes me REALLY cranky!
Enter Dr. Hunny Bear with some tuff luv medicine. Made me soup (from scratch), and spoon-fed me it in bed. MADE me tek my meds while I protested vociferously about how much I HATE taking meds. Has now taken on my usual Saturday errands run, even as HE is recovering from HIS own bout with the flu. Yes he (correctly) called me a stubborn ass woman and yes, he and my mom are conspiring about cutting a switch off her guava tree. But even though teeth and tongue may meet (and they DO) I know what we have is firmly and deeply grounded in mutual love and commitment.
Thank you hun 😚😙💏💋#23yearsandcounting